در شهری مثل تهران اون ٪۱ مریض میشه ۱۵۰ هزار نفر که تو شهر پخشن و تو مطمئن نیستی اینی که بهت تنه زد ، موتوری تو پیاده رو ، رانندهای که پیچید جلوت یا اونی که خارج از نوبت زد تو تو صف، یکی از اون ٪۱ نباشه.
در شهری مثل تهران اون ٪۱ مریض میشه ۱۵۰ هزار نفر که تو شهر پخشن و تو مطمئن نیستی اینی که بهت تنه زد ، موتوری تو پیاده رو ، رانندهای که پیچید جلوت یا اونی که خارج از نوبت زد تو تو صف، یکی از اون ٪۱ نباشه.
Telegram users themselves will be able to flag and report potentially false content. A new window will come up. Enter your channel name and bio. (See the character limits above.) Click “Create.” With the sharp downturn in the crypto market, yelling has become a coping mechanism for many crypto traders. This screaming therapy became popular after the surge of Goblintown Ethereum NFTs at the end of May or early June. Here, holders made incoherent groaning sounds in late-night Twitter spaces. They also role-played as urine-loving Goblin creatures. Today, we will address Telegram channels and how to use them for maximum benefit. The group also hosted discussions on committing arson, Judge Hui said, including setting roadblocks on fire, hurling petrol bombs at police stations and teaching people to make such weapons. The conversation linked to arson went on for two to three months, Hui said.
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