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The beautiful names and attributes of Allah..
▫️The reasons of the faith's increase :
Knowing Almighty God (Allah) with His Names and Attributes, whenever a person increases his knowledge of Allah and His attributes, the faith will be undoubtedly increased.
🔹 Al-Wahhāb
The Bestower
📖 Read:
📃 He is the One Who bestows a lot of favors upon His servants as grace and benevolence from Him.
This noble name occurs 3 times in the Qur’an. An example is the verse that says, {Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower.}
[Sūrat Āl-‘Imrān: 8]
Another example is the verse about Prophet Sulaymān (Solomon) in which Allah Almighty says,{He said, My Lord, forgive me and bestow upon me a kingdom such as none other after me will deserve. Surely You are the Bestower.} [Sūrat Sād: 25]
In light of this noble name, I would say:
▫️1. Belief in Allah and good deeds bring favors from our Lord, and gratitude for the favors He bestows is a reason for their continuity, blessing therein and their increase.
▫️2. No one envies another person except because he is ignorant of this great name and does not recall the many favors that Allah Almighty has bestowed upon him. Definitely, the One Who bestowed certain favors upon someone else will bestow favors upon you if you invoke Him sincerely.
▫️3. Do not do wrong to this name by thinking that the favors of Allah Almighty are only material giving. Rather, His giving is comprehensive and encompasses material and moral things. Having children is among the favors of Allah. Guiding them to the truth and making them steadfast to it is a great favor from Allah. Knowledge is one of the favors of Allah Almighty, and loving it and teaching it to others is also a great favor from Him. Wealth is a favor from Allah, and possessing it and using it to increase one’s bliss by spending it on good things - and not being deeply attached to it or spending it wastefully - is also a great favor from Him.
📲 The teaching ways for new Muslims:
BY وسائل التعليم للمسلم الجديد"باللغة الإنجليزية"
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