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Es steht wohl ein Waffenstilstand zwischen Israel und der Hisbollah bevor. Der soll morgen besiegelt werden. Demzufolge sollen sich die Hisbollah-Streitkräfte hinter den Litani-Fluss zurückziehen. An ihre Stelle rücken libanesische Truppen ein. Die UNO-Blauhelme sollen den Vorgang beobachten. Das ist nach all dem, was Israel hier angerichtet hat, ein klägliches Ergebnis. Das bedeutet nur eine Atempause für die israelische Seite, um dann erholt weiter zu machen. Aus Al Jazeera: This is basically the proposed formula that’s been there since the beginning of the Israeli assault on Lebanon, which is the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701. What it would entail is Hezbollah moving north of the Litani River away from the border with Israel. It would move its heavy weaponry. It would not operate in the south. Instead, the Lebanese army would deploy thousands of troops [there].
In the meantime, the UN observers would continue to do their job and report back to the Security Council. The difference now, after Israel wasn’t able to get Lebanese acceptance of conditions they wanted to impose, is guarantees from the US about what would happen if Israel considers that there are violations of this agreement. And there would be a five-member committee headed by the US to oversee implementation.
Now the meeting of the Israeli cabinet to vote on this has been moved up. It will be held at 4pm local time [14:00 GMT] on Tuesday, and Netanyahu is going to have a hard sell ahead of him to convince his coalition partners that the high goals he set of dismantling Hezbollah, of changing the face of the region, of having the Lebanese revolt and reclaim Lebanon as he said weeks ago – all of that is not going to happen.
BY Hermann Ploppa
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