Last Update:
Hey guys! Hiiii! I'm officially halfway through drawing my comic. I'm not sure if I'll manage to finish it on time—maybe my work will take longer, or maybe my supervisor will take pity on me—but that's a problem for future me.
What I wanted to ask is this: would you like to see it once I defend my bachelor's thesis? I'll probably make it available for supporters on Ko-fi.
Now, a little disclaimer: it's going to be pretty cringe. When I read the dialogues, I kind of want to curl up, and it's also being made in a rush. The story is a bit thrown together on the spot—definitely not the best I can do, but I'm doing my best to finish it in time! This is only my second attempt at making a comic. (The first was for a contest in elementary school, which I technically "won"... but only because no one else participated in that category xD).
So, you have two options: you can get access to this weird creation on Ko-fi as a bonus to the supporter tiers I’ll be adding soon, or I can let it die in my cringe drawer forever.
I'm just trying to see how many of you would actually be interested in reading it. What do you think?
I’ll add an anonymous poll below
You can also let me know in the comments!