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hellOou‼️🏃🏻‍♀ aku lagi maw temen niii,yakali ga temenan sama cakula rp-ers yang satu ini yakan😵👈🏻
aku hobi spam bbc sampai 4++++++++++🙀🙀
dan aku juga lumayan fast respon 😮‍💨☝️🏻
ada yang mau temenan sama ku?? jika ada tolong tinggalkan jejak iiyaw! thaxueee 😋💟
#onna halo, mau temen dong, yuk temenan=)
#onna g’evening ^___^
im seeking for new friends and also a big bro/sis! mauu punya kakak yang asikk jugaa T_T
#onna tante kesepian, butuh teman ngobrol nih. biar bisa ngobrol kita temenan atau jadi keluarga aja gimana? ghostingers, dry text, dan convokill dni dulu yaa sayang
#Ottoko ; This is michael kaiser speaking, i'm kinda bored so i'm searching for a new pals (i'm searching blue lock cc too). if you interested to be my new pals leave your best trace here.
#ottoko. i n€€d soMe0n3 t0 t4lk rn ☹️
Ramaikan cs guis
#ottoko yakin gamau temenan sama si ganteng? “cerewet” little sister get a free candies.
#ottoko hi I need friends, father and trial partner(Bxb/Dxd). So are you interested? I'm not a dry text person anyway
#onna halo, mau temen dong, yuk temenan=)
Temenangasi, cantik bngt
#ottoko p, bekawan sama gua sini 😎 gua tuh 100% fsr secepat kilat!
#onna hellow sweetie , is there anyone who wants to be my husband?, anakmu yatim mas 🙏
#onna heyya, i'm here looking forra kids and little brother/sist. i promise i'll be a good mom and be a good older sist.
come here, cutie
#ottoko i’m looking for those who can talk all day and keep it interesting? If that’s you, just leave a trace if you interested.
#ottoko NYAAHALOOWWW !!! this Kantaro dupe is looking forra frienndo and fams! also, looking for a FWA partner!! up as dom for BxB & BxG. Pleease leave ur trace f interested 💗💗
#onna ayo kita temenan? I need a yapper friend to my listener self.
#onna ayoo temenan, nanti kita bikin jj
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#onna ikan hiu makan tomat, temanan dong ngab
2025/03/11 06:25:51
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