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Udah y……
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b-bang k-kak kalian gamau gitu temenan sama orang keren kyk gw (ea) dijamin 100% bakal jadi keren juga (plspls jangan terlalu baku sama gw) lirik aku plis nnti ku hit dubrak gt
#ottoko besty ayo temenan besty😢😢😢 (di jamin awet sampe jd debu) (notlie)
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#Ottoko ; This duplicate Janghyun feels so lonely rn. So i'm looking for a trial partner for 72H. We can do a lot of couple things such as temp swap together, matching pfp, watching movies together, etc. My love language is Physical touch (screen), Quality time & Word of Affirmation. I use Bahasa and English for daily conversations, and i'm can be talkactive and good listener at the same time. im up for BxB (sorry leadis) as sub. Please leave ur best trace here n i'll hit you asap.
#onna hey, sore sore gini enaknya bekawan gasi? yuKyuk bekawan sama cewe imup ini, ohya aku juga mau punya kakak/abang biar dipanggil dede sama kalian hehe jadi ayo angkut cewe mungieL ini jadi adek kalian 🙇‍♀🙇‍♀
#ottoko hello everyone, duplikat Iguro Obanai ini sedang mencari banyak teman agar tidak kesepian lagi. saya juga sedang mencari partner trial 72h (im up for bxg, me as dom), Leave a trace on comset if you are interested, and I will come to your roomchat
#onna hello there, anyone want to be friends with me? also– looking for family . . we can be close if we have some things in common .. so leave ur little magic here if u interested, thanks !
#ottoko bre bre bre, temenan bre
#ottoko yoo im craving for attention, do anyone wanna be my sis?
#Onna saya sedang ingin memanjakan orang, apakah ada yang berminat?
#ottoko looking forra FWA yang mau manjain brondong kesepian ini, and i also looking for a friends too yep!
#OTTOKO hey ladies and gentleman. this semi eita temp looking for a lot of new pals, and mybe fams?. butuh FWA? sure, why not (im up for bxg). yang aktif & lucu gua dahuluin, and also Haikyu rp-ers get a free pass from me. don't forget to leave your sweet trace.
#ottoko mau fwa tomboy dong, aku bakalan asik and capslock kalau udah di rc.... so come here cegan :p :3
#OTTOKO temenan yuk, atau jadi keluarga, saudara atau apalah itu. (Hxh rpers get free 🕷)
2025/03/12 00:36:49
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