1. Москва 2. Фотограф @nknrv_m 3. Ищу модель для творческой съёмки для пополнения портфолио 4.условия tfp 5. 1-2 мои работы, 3-5 референсы по съёмке 6. Модель должна быть пластичная, уметь более менее позировать, желательно с длинными волосами и натуральной внешностью 🤍
1. Москва 2. Фотограф @nknrv_m 3. Ищу модель для творческой съёмки для пополнения портфолио 4.условия tfp 5. 1-2 мои работы, 3-5 референсы по съёмке 6. Модель должна быть пластичная, уметь более менее позировать, желательно с длинными волосами и натуральной внешностью 🤍
SUCK Channel Telegram Over 33,000 people sent out over 1,000 doxxing messages in the group. Although the administrators tried to delete all of the messages, the posting speed was far too much for them to keep up. Ng Man-ho, a 27-year-old computer technician, was convicted last month of seven counts of incitement charges after he made use of the 100,000-member Chinese-language channel that he runs and manages to post "seditious messages," which had been shut down since August 2020. A few years ago, you had to use a special bot to run a poll on Telegram. Now you can easily do that yourself in two clicks. Hit the Menu icon and select “Create Poll.” Write your question and add up to 10 options. Running polls is a powerful strategy for getting feedback from your audience. If you’re considering the possibility of modifying your channel in any way, be sure to ask your subscribers’ opinions first. How to Create a Private or Public Channel on Telegram?
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