Last Update:
Black Friday has started and premium/subscription discounts are also here! 🎉
Additionally, prices for purchases via
As usual, we’d like to remind you that Premium currently provides access to integration with Poweramp/AIMP/BubbleUPNP/etc, covers from iTunes, lyrics from Genius/MusixMatch and cross-service search, while the Pass unlocks high-quality streaming on Deezer and access to subscription locked tracks on VK.
You can find all the details about Premium/Pass subscriptions in your profile within the app (if you see prices without discounts, refresh the profile screen).
Discounts will last until 08.12.2024 inclusive.
❗️However, this time we also have some updates about future plans❗️
Unfortunately, developing and maintaining the app across multiple platforms and adding new features requires significant resources (both time and money). As a result, we will remove the ability to purchase Premium in the future, leaving only the Pass subscription. This change will take place in early 2025.
But if anyone was upset that they bought Premium for nothing - don't worry, everyone who got it will stay with it forever and all the old features and most of the new ones (those that work on the client side) will be available forever as part of Premium - thank you very much for supporting the app!
And if you haven’t yet purchased Premium, you still have a couple of months to do so and gain lifetime access to Premium features.
To compensate for the switch to subscription we plan to add a lot of new features to Pass (and most of them to the legacy Premium):
- High-quality audio for remainings services - Yandex Music, Zvuk, and SoundCloud
- UPnP/DLNA/Chromecast support
- Playlist management for music services
- Cross-service playlists
- Metadata providers for tags
- Export of lists from music services
- Export/import of settings and logins
- Themes support
- And many other small improvements…
Thanks to this, we can keep the core functionality of the app free and ad-free while continuing development and support.
As previously mentioned, our main plans remain unchanged:
- Enhancing Murglar for desktop computers
- Adding new or missing sections in existing music services (charts, recommendations, etc.)
- Support for YouTube Music, Tidal, and Qobuz
- All the features mentioned above
P.S. There will also be discounts and giveaways during New Year celebrations as usual 🥳