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#好文 第一部分: 从档案看太平洋战争前日本帝国外务省是如何设法将非裔美国人变为颠覆美国的第五纵队(不同于莫斯科通过NKVD在政界和商界精英乃至左派知识分子中招募间谍,东京是策反黑人)
其中提到日本领事馆接获的任务要求把工作重心由公众宣传转向情报工作上,利用(被FBI监视的)包括共产党和反犹分子在内的各团体中(除开日裔美国人以外)的美国公民完成对这些团体的调查活动「One of the programs Matsuoka mapped out was to “make investigations of all anti-Semitism, communism, movements of Negroes, and labor movements” and to utilize US citizens “of foreign extraction (other than Japanese), aliens (other than Japanese), communists, Negroes, labor union members and anti-Semites in carrying out the investigations.”1 」
最讽刺的是,后面则提到1937年秋季日本领事馆将利用亲日黑人团体捐的「救济金」款项寄送到大洋彼岸在中国打着「为世界和平和正义而战」幌子和国军作战的日本兵那里「It is unclear whether they knew that the Japanese community in Chicago had already started a fundraising drive to send “relief money” to Japanese soldiers in September 1937. In any event, the group donated 200 dollars in cash and asked the Consulate to send the money to Japanese soldiers in China who were “fighting for world peace and justice.”」
BY 逆风社
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