Last Update:
To everyone who joined – thank you, again
We are beyond amazed by the sheer quality of works.
This was, without a doubt, one of the best contests we’ve ever run.
Thank you, the minds behind it all:
@flatywop, @Hossamzaki, @magicintheyou, @GreyyEminence, @fastvrn, @R1skyR1ck, @sideflips, @ermilov177, @memeroyETH, @mr_dhaneshwar07, @Itsme_eth, @tm61i,
@Eyfan, @Manintg_new, @misli_odnogo_cheloveka, @stop_think_ask, @Ivory_M, @jon4runner, @phyllrar, @showmethemo, @cafri123, @zhiznikova11, @andr_vslv, @theresnofuture33, @nasedova5, @wwwsoph, @notcoinbff, @mickey_money, @Lastidris, @CryptoThrongOwner, @Jeribond, @petrovxyz, @Sukhamera, @beautifulnanuk, @propalpacan300, @ellenzart, @Onawealth, @blackcat, @PoWJPGs, @caifol, @director_clip, @endolium, @doroshock, @wermeryy, @businessonly42, @evgenii_fattakhov, @BsnssAkk, @st888dmt, @gematogene, @timothyayomide67, @acolz, @pashadizel, @yuzvak, @MaxShemchuk, @nortshift, @Callme_Proton, @dryrage, @raregems, @fuckingpleasures, @sonya_kido, @mr_satoshik, @ajdominic, @JayOfWeb_3, @iamfoolest, @DefiUmar1, @M44_A11, @fragilestaff, @storystoryone, @MikaIpek, @Ogbudefe, @irvanyus, @mirro0x, @jorik322, @AnastasiyaNurkh, @perriedexplorer, @rdmcd, @arhperez, @THISSSET, @vokvozuk
And thanks o everyone else who participated. You are the reason this community exists.
You didn’t just create – you revealed.
You showed us things about Notcoin we didn’t even know.
The Community
Research contest results: