Ну не хотят никак регионы цифровизироваться в части образования, не выходит загнать людей ни в сферум, ни в IT-кубы (наследство преступницы Раковой)...
Минпросвещения проводит совещания, протоколы строчит, а воз и ныне там. Особенно в Чечне, Дагестане и прочих Бурятиях...
Ну не хотят никак регионы цифровизироваться в части образования, не выходит загнать людей ни в сферум, ни в IT-кубы (наследство преступницы Раковой)...
Минпросвещения проводит совещания, протоколы строчит, а воз и ныне там. Особенно в Чечне, Дагестане и прочих Бурятиях...
The public channel had more than 109,000 subscribers, Judge Hui said. Ng had the power to remove or amend the messages in the channel, but he “allowed them to exist.” Telegram channels enable users to broadcast messages to multiple users simultaneously. Like on social media, users need to subscribe to your channel to get access to your content published by one or more administrators. The court said the defendant had also incited people to commit public nuisance, with messages calling on them to take part in rallies and demonstrations including at Hong Kong International Airport, to block roads and to paralyse the public transportation system. Various forms of protest promoted on the messaging platform included general strikes, lunchtime protests and silent sit-ins. Deputy District Judge Peter Hui sentenced computer technician Ng Man-ho on Thursday, a month after the 27-year-old, who ran a Telegram group called SUCK Channel, was found guilty of seven charges of conspiring to incite others to commit illegal acts during the 2019 extradition bill protests and subsequent months. Public channels are public to the internet, regardless of whether or not they are subscribed. A public channel is displayed in search results and has a short address (link).
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