Last Update:
Dear validators!
We're extremely grateful for your participation in the grant initiative for validators. We appreciate your achievements and for you choosing our network.
On behalf of the whole Cross Finance team we apologize for the long wait for the extended process of approval and announcing results. This was related to preparations for updating the mainnet to the EVM part.
On the next week we're beginning the final network updates and functionality testing. After that we will specify the date for mainnet update and for rewards distribution.
Right now we're announcing the initiative leaders:
Final leaderboard
You are the best!
In order to receive your rewards you need to:
1. Set up a validator in the main network, if you haven't done so yet.
2. Send your valoper address with the "mxvaloper1......" format to email address, using the email you specified in your initiative application.
On validators evaluation we considered:
1. 9 steps for obtaining the grant. After this post came out we extended the number of prize places to a 100. You can see the up-to-date rewards here.
2. Validator's overall activity in test network's operation, for which CrossFi team delegated up to 640 000 MPX.
3. Provision of EVM RPC address (port 8545), for which the team delegated up to 50 000 MPX.
Therefore the maximum delegation stake provided by team for the activity was 690 000 MPX, which is 100%. For each percent of this value we credited 10 points.
4. Activity, demonstrated by popularizing CrossFi Tap bot, for which you could get up to 200 points.
5. Validator's total delegation stake in the test network as at July 22nd. The maximum delegation stake was 722 124 883,28 MPX, for which 250 points were credited. The rest of the validators received their points with sequential reduction, depending on how their stake related to the maximum stake.
6. Validator's total delegation stake in the main network as at August 9th. The maximum delegation stake was 173 143 671,9 MPX, for which 500 points were credited. The rest of the validators received their points with sequential reduction, depending on how their stake related to the maximum stake.
7. Also we considered up time, which is a reduction factor for the total result.
For example, a validator acquired 1 000 points with 99% up time. Therefore, they got 1 000 * 0,99 = 990 points. Those validators who had a jailed status at the moment of a final evaluation, received a reduced 0.9 coefficient.
Once again we want to thank every validator for your participation and your loyalty. We're looking forward to continue our collaboration in the CrossFi Chain mainnet!
In case you have any questions about receiving your rewards, you can address them to Vladimir Rodinka, @VovkaRO.
Yours sincerely, Cross Finance team.
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