Польша, Литва, Латвия и Эстония намерены построить защитную систему протяжённостью 700 километров вдоль границ с Россией и Беларусью. Общая сумма проекта составит 2,67 миллиарда долларов.
Польша, Литва, Латвия и Эстония намерены построить защитную систему протяжённостью 700 километров вдоль границ с Россией и Беларусью. Общая сумма проекта составит 2,67 миллиарда долларов.
The initiatives announced by Perekopsky include monitoring the content in groups. According to the executive, posts identified as lacking context or as containing false information will be flagged as a potential source of disinformation. The content is then forwarded to Telegram's fact-checking channels for analysis and subsequent publication of verified information. Users are more open to new information on workdays rather than weekends. With Bitcoin down 30% in the past week, some crypto traders have taken to Telegram to “voice” their feelings. Ng Man-ho, a 27-year-old computer technician, was convicted last month of seven counts of incitement charges after he made use of the 100,000-member Chinese-language channel that he runs and manages to post "seditious messages," which had been shut down since August 2020. Unlimited number of subscribers per channel
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