Create Soundtracks with AI. just say what theme you want and what is the text singer should say :) با این سایت میتونید با کمک AI آهنگ بسازید. کافیه بگید حالت اهنگتون چجوری باشه و یا متن اهنگ چی باشه. فارسی هم تا حدی میفهمه. خیلی جالبه :)
Create Soundtracks with AI. just say what theme you want and what is the text singer should say :) با این سایت میتونید با کمک AI آهنگ بسازید. کافیه بگید حالت اهنگتون چجوری باشه و یا متن اهنگ چی باشه. فارسی هم تا حدی میفهمه. خیلی جالبه :)
In 2018, Telegram’s audience reached 200 million people, with 500,000 new users joining the messenger every day. It was launched for iOS on 14 August 2013 and Android on 20 October 2013. Click “Save” ; Earlier, crypto enthusiasts had created a self-described “meme app” dubbed “gm” app wherein users would greet each other with “gm” or “good morning” messages. However, in September 2021, the gm app was down after a hacker reportedly gained access to the user data. Hashtags When choosing the right name for your Telegram channel, use the language of your target audience. The name must sum up the essence of your channel in 1-3 words. If you’re planning to expand your Telegram audience, it makes sense to incorporate keywords into your name.
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