🇷🇸 Испред Грчке амбасаде смо развили паролу у подршку Николаоса Михалолиакоса. Николаос је оснивач и вођа Грчког удружења Златна зора. Он се тренутно налази иза решетка због борбе за своју нацију. Грчка влада врши константну физичку и менталну тортуру над њим. Никад нећемо заборавити на чланове Златне зоре које су жртвовали своје животе за слободу Србског народа у Босни.
Златна зора победити мора!
Слобода за Николаоса Г. Михалолиакоса!
🇬🇧 In front of the Greek Embassy, we unveiled a slogan in support of Nikolaos Mihaloliakos. Nikolaos is the founder and leader of the Greek association Golden Dawn. He is currently behind bars for fighting for his nation. The Greek government inflicts constant physical and mental torture on him. We will never forget the members of Golden Dawn who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the Serbian people in Bosnia.
Golden Dawn must be victorious!
Freedom for Nikolaos G. Mihaloliakosa!
Златна зора победити мора!
Слобода за Николаоса Г. Михалолиакоса!
🇬🇧 In front of the Greek Embassy, we unveiled a slogan in support of Nikolaos Mihaloliakos. Nikolaos is the founder and leader of the Greek association Golden Dawn. He is currently behind bars for fighting for his nation. The Greek government inflicts constant physical and mental torture on him. We will never forget the members of Golden Dawn who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the Serbian people in Bosnia.
Golden Dawn must be victorious!
Freedom for Nikolaos G. Mihaloliakosa!
Last Update:
Last Update:
🇷🇸 Испред Грчке амбасаде смо развили паролу у подршку Николаоса Михалолиакоса. Николаос је оснивач и вођа Грчког удружења Златна зора. Он се тренутно налази иза решетка због борбе за своју нацију. Грчка влада врши константну физичку и менталну тортуру над њим. Никад нећемо заборавити на чланове Златне зоре које су жртвовали своје животе за слободу Србског народа у Босни.
Златна зора победити мора!
Слобода за Николаоса Г. Михалолиакоса!
🇬🇧 In front of the Greek Embassy, we unveiled a slogan in support of Nikolaos Mihaloliakos. Nikolaos is the founder and leader of the Greek association Golden Dawn. He is currently behind bars for fighting for his nation. The Greek government inflicts constant physical and mental torture on him. We will never forget the members of Golden Dawn who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the Serbian people in Bosnia.
Golden Dawn must be victorious!
Freedom for Nikolaos G. Mihaloliakosa!
Златна зора победити мора!
Слобода за Николаоса Г. Михалолиакоса!
🇬🇧 In front of the Greek Embassy, we unveiled a slogan in support of Nikolaos Mihaloliakos. Nikolaos is the founder and leader of the Greek association Golden Dawn. He is currently behind bars for fighting for his nation. The Greek government inflicts constant physical and mental torture on him. We will never forget the members of Golden Dawn who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the Serbian people in Bosnia.
Golden Dawn must be victorious!
Freedom for Nikolaos G. Mihaloliakosa!
BY 𝕾𝖊𝖗𝖇𝖎𝖆 𝕯𝖎𝖛𝖎𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓
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