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Balashov prison
We continue to discuss "the clinks", where those convicted of radical anti-war activities are now being sent. Balashov prison has a long history, and in its recent period it received the first political prisoner back in 2017. Read about this and other features of the clink in Balashov in the cards.
Earlier we wrote about Yeniseisk prison and Minusinsk jail.
✉️ Address for letters to prisoners of Balashov clink:Russia, 412315, Саратовская область, г. Балашов, ул. Уральская, д. 17, ФКУ Т
✍️ Prisoners details:
Лямин Дмитрий Александрович 1991 г. р.
(Lyamin Dmitry Aleksandrovich 09.11.1991 d.o.b.)
Абдурахманов Меджит Анафиевич 1975 г. р.
(Abdurakhmanov Medzhit Anafievich 02.02.1975 d.o.b.)
Базаров Фарход Эгамбердиевич 1986 г. р.
(Bazarov Farhod Egamberdievich 22.08.1986 d.o.b.)
Эмирусеинов Рустем Решатович 1979 г. р.
(Emiruseinov Rustem Reshatovich 05.07.1979 d.o.b.)
Галеев Ильсур Ильдусович 1967 г. р.
(Galeev Ilsur Ildusovich 30.10.1967 d.o.b.)
📧 You can write via PrisonMail.Online service: "Saratov region" ⮕ "Balashov prison"
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