Last Update:
Hello Thaumaturgys dwellers! It's hard for me to announce this and I'm truly sorry for everyone who has been waiting for my opening batch again, since there has been some errors which I can't fix anymore (+ maaf telegram burik banget, it's not really my place anymore) I've decided to move my business to twitter which means I'll be stopping this channel until I'll announce that I'll be back. (Gatau sih kapan, kemungkinan sih gak bakal kalo udah betah di twt yah,,, jadi bisa dibilang long temporary closedown)
Thank you so much for all of the support and orders I've received, I'm thankful that you guys would be supporting this channel until now. It always motivates me to push myself into doing the best I can, so again, thank you.
Feel free to unsubscribe if needed, you can continue supporting my businesses on twitter. 👇🏻
BY On twitter. [stopped operating]
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