Summary sample question
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چطور باید به سوال Prose Summary ریدینگ پاسخ داد؟
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This passage discusses fundamental differences between applied-art objects and fine-art objects.
حالا با توجه به متن و جملهای که خلاصهی متن باهاش شروع شده (مقدمه)، کدوم سه گزینه رو میشه به عوان خلاصهای از fundamental differences between applied-art objects and fine-art objects به شمار آورد؟
Answer Choices🚩 Applied-art objects fulfill functions, such as containing or sheltering, and objects with the same function have similar characteristics because they are constrained by their purpose.
🚩 It is easy to recognize that Shang Dynasty vases are different from Inca vases.
🚩 Fine-art objects are not functional, so they are limited only by the properties of the materials used.
🚩 Renaissance sculptors learned to use iron braces to strengthen the internal structures of bronze statues.
🚩 In the twentieth century, fine artists and applied artists became more similar to one another in their attitudes toward their materials.
🚩 In all periods, fine artists tend to challenge the physical limitations of their materials while applied artists tend to cooperate with the physical properties of their materials.
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