Last Update:
London Craft Week 2022期間, 我們參加了其中由Dunhill在其旗艦店舉辦的活動, 欣賞Dunhill的作品和珍藏, 包括精選時髦西裝,休閒服,皮鞋,皮袋作品,歷史悠久的珍藏火機和煙斗,還有皮革師傅和手工量制西裝師傅示範。
當日焦點是鑲鑽的巴黎鐵塔煙斗,是師傅精湛手藝和七年心血的價值連城,獨一無二傑作。 其他展品還包括世界最細小, 要用放大鏡才可以見到的煙斗; 英王太后在英皇佐治六世死后退還的煙斗; 英皇佐治六世側面輪廓的煙斗;日式朱漆煙斗等等, 每一件都是手工精緻而又實用的藝術品。
煙斗之外,Dunhill火機亦在業界享有崇高聲譽, 展品包括第一個單手控制的打火機,用玻璃塑料反向凹製造每個都獨一無二的水族館系列打火機, Elvis 的14k金打火機等。
小心保留下來的皮製長大褸, 具有望遠功能的駕駛護目鏡....... 隱約見到一個戰後年代的俊朗車手。
這天最開心是和UF新朋舊友一起欣賞 Dunhill 傳承一貫前瞻設計,出色手藝的作品 ,和享用了精美的小食和無盡的香檳。
LondonCraftWeek ⚒️ 2022 has drawn to an end and we can't wait until 2023!
We participated in one of the events, hosted by Dunhill in their flagship store, to showcase contemporary Dunhill creations.
Upon entrance to the house, we were welcomed by the upmarket leather products displayed on the shelves. More interesting though, was the embossing and edging demonstration by a leather modeller, who proceeded to emboss initials on the wallet of one of us.
The focal point of the exhibition had to be the diamond studded Eiffel Tower pipe which took 7 years to complete. Itself, as well as the display box was an absolutely art masterpiece. It can be yours for $$$$$$$!
For someone not keen on jewellery, there would be a pipe to impress, be it the smallest pipe in the world, King Geroge VI’s pipe returned by The Queen Mother after his death, pipe of KGVI’s sideway look, or the White Spot Namiki pipes. They are truly stunning pieces of art as well as functional pipe made with the highest quality of wood.
Also from Dunhill archive were Elvis’s 14k gold lighter, the world’s first one handed lighter, and the handmade aquarium lighters with no two were the same, just to name a few.
It was our pleasure to meet some of you in the cultural journey over champagne and canapes. 🥂For anyone who missed this year's event, you may visit their official website ( or simply follow us UFCIC ( for more!!
Email: [email protected]
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BY Umbrella Formation傘聚Channel
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