предлагаю вам посмотреть на несколько комментариев к посту где моа голосуют на вма :) интересно, они серьезно думали, что голоса зависли не в пользу тхт специально, а не они просто перестали голосовать?👀👀
предлагаю вам посмотреть на несколько комментариев к посту где моа голосуют на вма :) интересно, они серьезно думали, что голоса зависли не в пользу тхт специально, а не они просто перестали голосовать?👀👀
With the administration mulling over limiting access to doxxing groups, a prominent Telegram doxxing group apparently went on a "revenge spree." Choose quality over quantity. Remember that one high-quality post is better than five short publications of questionable value. Public channels are public to the internet, regardless of whether or not they are subscribed. A public channel is displayed in search results and has a short address (link). In handing down the sentence yesterday, deputy judge Peter Hui Shiu-keung of the district court said that even if Ng did not post the messages, he cannot shirk responsibility as the owner and administrator of such a big group for allowing these messages that incite illegal behaviors to exist. It’s yet another bloodbath on Satoshi Street. As of press time, Bitcoin (BTC) and the broader cryptocurrency market have corrected another 10 percent amid a massive sell-off. Ethereum (EHT) is down a staggering 15 percent moving close to $1,000, down more than 42 percent on the weekly chart.
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