"في النّفس حاجات دواؤها الحديث مع الله، وفي القلب وحشة أمانها اليقين بالله، ما نحتاجه هيّن لا يُـنقص شيئًا من ملك الله شيئا، نثق بلطف اختياره، وجميل تدبّيره، إن شاء أعطى بكرمه، وإن شاء منع بحكمته وهو على كلّ شيء قدير".
"في النّفس حاجات دواؤها الحديث مع الله، وفي القلب وحشة أمانها اليقين بالله، ما نحتاجه هيّن لا يُـنقص شيئًا من ملك الله شيئا، نثق بلطف اختياره، وجميل تدبّيره، إن شاء أعطى بكرمه، وإن شاء منع بحكمته وهو على كلّ شيء قدير".
With Bitcoin down 30% in the past week, some crypto traders have taken to Telegram to “voice” their feelings. ZDNET RECOMMENDS During a meeting with the president of the Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) on June 6, Telegram's Vice President Ilya Perekopsky announced the initiatives. According to the executive, Brazil is the first country in the world where Telegram is introducing the features, which could be expanded to other countries facing threats to democracy through the dissemination of false content. Earlier, crypto enthusiasts had created a self-described “meme app” dubbed “gm” app wherein users would greet each other with “gm” or “good morning” messages. However, in September 2021, the gm app was down after a hacker reportedly gained access to the user data. Telegram is a leading cloud-based instant messages platform. It became popular in recent years for its privacy, speed, voice and video quality, and other unmatched features over its main competitor Whatsapp.
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