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Revivalism 125
Pius Paganism
What is it to be pious? This concept in Pagan faiths has been debated, but a little etymology can help us out.
Pious in English is, "marked by or showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine worship." No doubt this can be the case, considering the grand temples & sacrifices held in antiquity. But let us go deeper.
The English pious comes from the Latin pius the singular masculine to the neuter, pium. In Latin, pius means "to be dutiful or conscientious."
To be dutiful is, "filled with or motivated by a sense of duty" or "proceeding from or expressive of a sense of duty."
To be conscientious is, "meticulous, careful" or the other definition, "governed by or conforming to the dictates of conscience i.e. scrupulous." To be scrupulous is, "having moral integrity : acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper."
Thus to be Pius to the Gods can be said, "to mindfully follow your duty, by following the dictates of the Gods, like following a general's orders."
BY Pagan Revivalism
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