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Data Science Interview Questions
1: How would you preprocess and tokenize text data from tweets for sentiment analysis? Discuss potential challenges and solutions.
- Answer: Preprocessing and tokenizing text data for sentiment analysis involves tasks like lowercasing, removing stop words, and stemming or lemmatization. Handling challenges like handling emojis, slang, and noisy text is crucial. Tools like NLTK or spaCy can assist in these tasks.
2: Explain the collaborative filtering approach in building recommendation systems. How might Twitter use this to enhance user experience?
- Answer: Collaborative filtering recommends items based on user preferences and similarities. Techniques include user-based or item-based collaborative filtering and matrix factorization. Twitter could leverage user interactions to recommend tweets, users, or topics.
3: Write a Python or Scala function to count the frequency of hashtags in a given collection of tweets.
- Answer (Python):
def count_hashtags(tweet_collection):
hashtags_count = {}
for tweet in tweet_collection:
hashtags = [word for word in tweet.split() if word.startswith('#')]
for hashtag in hashtags:
hashtags_count[hashtag] = hashtags_count.get(hashtag, 0) + 1
return hashtags_count
4: How does graph analysis contribute to understanding user interactions and content propagation on Twitter? Provide a specific use case.
- Answer: Graph analysis on Twitter involves examining user interactions. For instance, identifying influential users or detecting communities based on retweet or mention networks. Algorithms like PageRank or Louvain Modularity can aid in these analyses.
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