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Wahhabi opinions on aqida are all either Deviance or Deception
The entire Wahhabi brand is based on the claim that they are "strict' and "orthodox" in matters of aqida.
But this is entirely wrong. Wahhabi opinions on aqida are either deviance or deception.
Wahhabis claim to be orthodox because they lay down particular principles which, if actually applied, would lead to takfiring the entire ummah and its scholars.
These principles require takfiring the Asharites and the Maturidites. This because these groups do not accept Wahhabi claims regarding Allah's attributes, such as Him being physically located above the throne, and speaking with words and sounds.
These principles also require takfiring Sufis and most members of the four legal schools. This is because these groups do not accept Wahhabi claims regarding the obligation to takfir those who perform istighatha.
When it comes to these principles, Wahhabis split into two groups.
The first actually applies them and takfirs the entire ummah, thereby falling into a deviant form of kharijism. This is like ISIS.
The second refuses to apply them, at least in any open manner. They don't want to openly takfir figures like al-Ghazali, al-Nawawi, al-Subki, Ibn Hajar al-Haytami, Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, and al-Suyuti.
This second group boasts about how strict and uncompromising its aqida principles are. But it is all a hoax and deception because they never actually apply the principles.
Jake and Farid fall into this second category.
They larp as orthodox Muslims who are "strict" on aqida principles, and who do not shy away from takfir. But they also refuse to debate or discuss these principles because they do not want to be called out on the fact that they don't actually apply them in any genuine or systematic fashion.
To justify themselves, they often expand the notion of al-udhr bi-l-jahl in bizarre and laughable ways. For instance, they will say that one cannot takfir hadith masters like al-Nawawi and Ibn Hajar for problematic ta'wil of Allah's attributes in hadiths, because they were "ignorant" of the meaning of these hadiths.
But if the most knowledgeable scholars like al-Nawawi and Ibn Hajar are excused for "ignorance" in the field of hadith, then everyone has a claim to excuse for ignorance as they are less knowledgeable than such figures.
The whole notion of "strict" Wahhabi aqida is a huge dishonest hoax.
BY Daniel Haqiqatjou Official
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