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Salih al-Fawzan: "It is better for Jew, Christian or Hindu to retain his religion than to convert to a form of Islam which Permits Istighatha"
Fawzan is Saudi Arabia's Highest Religious Authority. He shares many views of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab.
Thus, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab famously held that the Muslims of his era were mushrik kafirs, and were worse than pre-Islamic pagans because they believed it was permissible to call upon the dead for assistance (istighatha). He then declared a jihad against them, and began killing them and taking their wealth.
Fawzan holds a similar view, which he expresses in a commentary on Ibn Abd al-Wahhab's Kitab al-Tawhid.
Fawzan insists that it is better for a Jew, Christian, or Hindu to retain his religion than to convert to a form of Islam that permits istighatha.
Fawzan also explains that this is why all Muslims have an obligation to engage in a deep study of aqida (creed). If they do not study aqida in depth, they may accidentally come to believe that istighatha is permissible. This will cause them to become kafirs.
It is based on these views, from Ibn Abd al-Wahhab and Fawzan, that contemporary Wahhabis demand that all Muslims constantly study aqida, takfir non-Wahhabis, and consider non-Wahhabis to be worse than Jews, Christians, and Hindus.
If you want to know why Wahhabis like Jake, Farid, Adnan, and others keep attacking me, it is because they share these views. Because I am a non-Wahhabi Muslim, they regard me as a kafir mushrik worse than Jews, Christians, and Hindus.
Ordinarily, Wahhabis hide these views for reasons of optics through a type of taqiyya. But when people like me confront them, they then make takfir and begin attacking. In their minds, this is "jihad against the kuffar."
It should be noted that they declare this jihad against me despite the fact that I consider istighatha to be haram, and also think that it is probably shirk - but given a lack of certainty I simply do not takfir those who practice istighatha. For Wahhabis this makes me a kafir who should be attacked and killed.
Now let us turn to the text from Fawzan.
He says:
This is evidence for the affliction of ignorance, as a person may fall into shirk due to ignorance.
In this there is something to spur [us] into learning aqida (Islamic creed) and knowing it and pondering it, out of fear that a person may fall into [the same errors] as these other people.
Today, those who downplay the significance of studying creed and say, “Why study ʿaqīdah when [we] are already Muslims?"—Praise be to God (SubḥānAllāh)!
A Muslim is the one most in need of studying ʿaqīda to correct his [understanding of] Islam, and to safeguard his religion. These people are Muslims, yet they fell into these issues [i.e., errors] because they did not learn.
In this there is evidence on the obligation to study correct aqida, and the obligation to learn about what contradicts it, in terms of shirk, innovations (bidʿa), and superstitions (khurafat) - so that one may avoid them.
Ignorance has caused today's grave-worshippers - or at least many of them – to fall into grave worship. They [mistakenly] believe that such practices are part of Islam. This is a great disaster.
We have even heard that some preachers - whether in America or elsewhere - call people to Sufism and the religion of the grave-worshippers (qubūriyya).
Thus, they take people from one form of disbelief (kufr) to another.
[In reality], it would have been less severe [in wrongness] for a person to remain in his original disbelief than to adopt a form of disbelief that is falsely labeled as Islam!
وهذا دليل على آفة الجهل، وأن الإنسان قد يقع في الشرك بسبب الجهل، وفيه الحث على تعلم العقيدة ومعرفتها والتبصّر فيها خشية أن يقع الإنسان في مثل ما وقع فيه هؤلاء، فالذين ينادون اليوم بتهوين أمر العقيدة، ويقولون: لماذا يدرسون العقيدة وهم مسلمون؟، يا سبحان الله، المسلم هو أولى بدراسة العقيدة من أجل أن يصحِّح إسلامه، ومن أجل أن يحفظ دينه، هؤلاء مسلمون ومع هذا وقعوا في هذه القضية بسبب أنهم لم يتعلموا، ففي هذا دليل على وجوب تعلم العقيدة الصحيحة،
BY Daniel Haqiqatjou Official
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