الشدة بتراء لا دوام لها وإن طالت، فتُقلع عنه حين تقلع وقد عُوٌض منها أجلّ عوض وأفضله، وهو رجوعه إلى الله بعد أن كان شاردا عنه، وإقباله عليه بعد أن كان نائبا عنه، وانطراحه على بابه بعد أن كان معرضا وللوقوف على أبواب غيره متعرضا.
الشدة بتراء لا دوام لها وإن طالت، فتُقلع عنه حين تقلع وقد عُوٌض منها أجلّ عوض وأفضله، وهو رجوعه إلى الله بعد أن كان شاردا عنه، وإقباله عليه بعد أن كان نائبا عنه، وانطراحه على بابه بعد أن كان معرضا وللوقوف على أبواب غيره متعرضا.
According to media reports, the privacy watchdog was considering “blacklisting” some online platforms that have repeatedly posted doxxing information, with sources saying most messages were shared on Telegram. As of Thursday, the SUCK Channel had 34,146 subscribers, with only one message dated August 28, 2020. It was an announcement stating that police had removed all posts on the channel because its content “contravenes the laws of Hong Kong.” When choosing the right name for your Telegram channel, use the language of your target audience. The name must sum up the essence of your channel in 1-3 words. If you’re planning to expand your Telegram audience, it makes sense to incorporate keywords into your name. A few years ago, you had to use a special bot to run a poll on Telegram. Now you can easily do that yourself in two clicks. Hit the Menu icon and select “Create Poll.” Write your question and add up to 10 options. Running polls is a powerful strategy for getting feedback from your audience. If you’re considering the possibility of modifying your channel in any way, be sure to ask your subscribers’ opinions first. Members can post their voice notes of themselves screaming. Interestingly, the group doesn’t allow to post anything else which might lead to an instant ban. As of now, there are more than 330 members in the group.
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