Во-первых, от всей души поздравляем всех наших подписчиков, которые отмечают Рождество сегодня, с этим светлым праздником. А, во-вторых, поскольку сегодня время для очередного выпуска «Воскресного постмодернизма», хотим поделиться с вами очень жизнеутверждающим объектом, спроектированным в 1983 г. великим Акилле Кастильони для компании «Danese». Речь идет о многофункциональных бокалах «Paro» (ит. Я защищаю!), которые можно использовать для разных напитков, в том числе в пределах одного вечера. Когда-то, изучая варианты многофункциональных емкостей для напитков, мы наткнулись на эти бокалы и немедленно полюбили их за остроумное чередование ролей (ножка vs чаша) и неизбывный оптимизм - как ни крути, в рабочем состоянии бокалы Кастильони всегда наполовину полны 😊
С праздником, друзья!
First of all, a very Merry Christmas to those of you who are celebrating Orthodox Christmas today! Also, as it’s time for our next installment of Sunday Postmodernism, we’d like to share with you a very festive piece by the great Achille Castiglioni. This goblet called Paro (the Italian for “I protect”) was designed in 1983 for Danese as a glass one could use for both reds and whites or longer drinks and shots, even within one night. When we were researching the available multipurpose glasses - in an attempt to fill the gap with our own design – and were simply stunned by the playful juxtaposition and alteration of the base and container roles in one unit as well as its endless optimism – no matter how and what drinks you use them for, Castiglioni’s goblets are always half full 😊
(photos: houshidai.com, design-is-fine.org, parisianhoursofidleness.wordpress.com, drouot.com, designculture.it, cooperhewitt.org, britishmuseum.org, centrepompidou.fr)
С праздником, друзья!
First of all, a very Merry Christmas to those of you who are celebrating Orthodox Christmas today! Also, as it’s time for our next installment of Sunday Postmodernism, we’d like to share with you a very festive piece by the great Achille Castiglioni. This goblet called Paro (the Italian for “I protect”) was designed in 1983 for Danese as a glass one could use for both reds and whites or longer drinks and shots, even within one night. When we were researching the available multipurpose glasses - in an attempt to fill the gap with our own design – and were simply stunned by the playful juxtaposition and alteration of the base and container roles in one unit as well as its endless optimism – no matter how and what drinks you use them for, Castiglioni’s goblets are always half full 😊
(photos: houshidai.com, design-is-fine.org, parisianhoursofidleness.wordpress.com, drouot.com, designculture.it, cooperhewitt.org, britishmuseum.org, centrepompidou.fr)
Last Update:
Last Update:
Во-первых, от всей души поздравляем всех наших подписчиков, которые отмечают Рождество сегодня, с этим светлым праздником. А, во-вторых, поскольку сегодня время для очередного выпуска «Воскресного постмодернизма», хотим поделиться с вами очень жизнеутверждающим объектом, спроектированным в 1983 г. великим Акилле Кастильони для компании «Danese». Речь идет о многофункциональных бокалах «Paro» (ит. Я защищаю!), которые можно использовать для разных напитков, в том числе в пределах одного вечера. Когда-то, изучая варианты многофункциональных емкостей для напитков, мы наткнулись на эти бокалы и немедленно полюбили их за остроумное чередование ролей (ножка vs чаша) и неизбывный оптимизм - как ни крути, в рабочем состоянии бокалы Кастильони всегда наполовину полны 😊
С праздником, друзья!
First of all, a very Merry Christmas to those of you who are celebrating Orthodox Christmas today! Also, as it’s time for our next installment of Sunday Postmodernism, we’d like to share with you a very festive piece by the great Achille Castiglioni. This goblet called Paro (the Italian for “I protect”) was designed in 1983 for Danese as a glass one could use for both reds and whites or longer drinks and shots, even within one night. When we were researching the available multipurpose glasses - in an attempt to fill the gap with our own design – and were simply stunned by the playful juxtaposition and alteration of the base and container roles in one unit as well as its endless optimism – no matter how and what drinks you use them for, Castiglioni’s goblets are always half full 😊
(photos: houshidai.com, design-is-fine.org, parisianhoursofidleness.wordpress.com, drouot.com, designculture.it, cooperhewitt.org, britishmuseum.org, centrepompidou.fr)
С праздником, друзья!
First of all, a very Merry Christmas to those of you who are celebrating Orthodox Christmas today! Also, as it’s time for our next installment of Sunday Postmodernism, we’d like to share with you a very festive piece by the great Achille Castiglioni. This goblet called Paro (the Italian for “I protect”) was designed in 1983 for Danese as a glass one could use for both reds and whites or longer drinks and shots, even within one night. When we were researching the available multipurpose glasses - in an attempt to fill the gap with our own design – and were simply stunned by the playful juxtaposition and alteration of the base and container roles in one unit as well as its endless optimism – no matter how and what drinks you use them for, Castiglioni’s goblets are always half full 😊
(photos: houshidai.com, design-is-fine.org, parisianhoursofidleness.wordpress.com, drouot.com, designculture.it, cooperhewitt.org, britishmuseum.org, centrepompidou.fr)
BY Mid-Century, More Than
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