Функционализм был «болезнью» не только 20-го века, но и, например, 18-го. Именно тогда появились изделия, запечатленные на этих снимках и выпускавшиеся мебельщиками для состоятельных клиентов. Одним из производителей подобных предметов мебели был краснодеревщик, архитектор и декоратор Джордж Хэпплуайт, наряду с Томасом Чиппендейлом и Томасом Шератоном входивший в «большую тройку» английских мебельных мастеров. В частности, Хэпплуайт даже включил эскиз своей разработки в «Руководство для столяров и обивщиков мебели», опубликованное вдовой Хэпплуайта в 1788 г.
По пятничной традиции предлагаем вам ознакомиться с этими изображениями и ответить, для кого именно предназначались подобные изделия. Только, чур, не гуглить и не торопиться с ответом, если он вам заведомо известен.
Always being at the core of progress, functionalism “plagued” not only the 20th century. As you will see from these pictures, the 18th century was “affected” by functionalism as well. All of these and many other similar pieces were produced in the 18th and 19th centuries for rich clientele. George Hepplewhite, an English cabinetmaker, architect, and decorator who was one of the “big three” furniture-makers in England together with Thomas Chippendale and Thomas Sheraton, was known to manufacture such furnishings for his clients as well. What’s more, he included a drawing of one of such stools in his seminal book, “The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide” published by his widow in 1788.
As it’s Friday today and time for our usual quiz, we’re inviting you to take a close look at these pictures and figure out who these and similar designs were intended for. As usual, please refrain from googling or posting the correct answer if you happen to know it already - let others think a bit.
(photos: lyonandturnbull.com, pegsandtails.wordpress.com, wellcomeimages.org, antiques-atlas.com, bidsquare.com, thedesignersconsignment.com, totoloveet.best)
По пятничной традиции предлагаем вам ознакомиться с этими изображениями и ответить, для кого именно предназначались подобные изделия. Только, чур, не гуглить и не торопиться с ответом, если он вам заведомо известен.
Always being at the core of progress, functionalism “plagued” not only the 20th century. As you will see from these pictures, the 18th century was “affected” by functionalism as well. All of these and many other similar pieces were produced in the 18th and 19th centuries for rich clientele. George Hepplewhite, an English cabinetmaker, architect, and decorator who was one of the “big three” furniture-makers in England together with Thomas Chippendale and Thomas Sheraton, was known to manufacture such furnishings for his clients as well. What’s more, he included a drawing of one of such stools in his seminal book, “The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide” published by his widow in 1788.
As it’s Friday today and time for our usual quiz, we’re inviting you to take a close look at these pictures and figure out who these and similar designs were intended for. As usual, please refrain from googling or posting the correct answer if you happen to know it already - let others think a bit.
(photos: lyonandturnbull.com, pegsandtails.wordpress.com, wellcomeimages.org, antiques-atlas.com, bidsquare.com, thedesignersconsignment.com, totoloveet.best)
Last Update:
Last Update:
Функционализм был «болезнью» не только 20-го века, но и, например, 18-го. Именно тогда появились изделия, запечатленные на этих снимках и выпускавшиеся мебельщиками для состоятельных клиентов. Одним из производителей подобных предметов мебели был краснодеревщик, архитектор и декоратор Джордж Хэпплуайт, наряду с Томасом Чиппендейлом и Томасом Шератоном входивший в «большую тройку» английских мебельных мастеров. В частности, Хэпплуайт даже включил эскиз своей разработки в «Руководство для столяров и обивщиков мебели», опубликованное вдовой Хэпплуайта в 1788 г.
По пятничной традиции предлагаем вам ознакомиться с этими изображениями и ответить, для кого именно предназначались подобные изделия. Только, чур, не гуглить и не торопиться с ответом, если он вам заведомо известен.
Always being at the core of progress, functionalism “plagued” not only the 20th century. As you will see from these pictures, the 18th century was “affected” by functionalism as well. All of these and many other similar pieces were produced in the 18th and 19th centuries for rich clientele. George Hepplewhite, an English cabinetmaker, architect, and decorator who was one of the “big three” furniture-makers in England together with Thomas Chippendale and Thomas Sheraton, was known to manufacture such furnishings for his clients as well. What’s more, he included a drawing of one of such stools in his seminal book, “The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide” published by his widow in 1788.
As it’s Friday today and time for our usual quiz, we’re inviting you to take a close look at these pictures and figure out who these and similar designs were intended for. As usual, please refrain from googling or posting the correct answer if you happen to know it already - let others think a bit.
(photos: lyonandturnbull.com, pegsandtails.wordpress.com, wellcomeimages.org, antiques-atlas.com, bidsquare.com, thedesignersconsignment.com, totoloveet.best)
По пятничной традиции предлагаем вам ознакомиться с этими изображениями и ответить, для кого именно предназначались подобные изделия. Только, чур, не гуглить и не торопиться с ответом, если он вам заведомо известен.
Always being at the core of progress, functionalism “plagued” not only the 20th century. As you will see from these pictures, the 18th century was “affected” by functionalism as well. All of these and many other similar pieces were produced in the 18th and 19th centuries for rich clientele. George Hepplewhite, an English cabinetmaker, architect, and decorator who was one of the “big three” furniture-makers in England together with Thomas Chippendale and Thomas Sheraton, was known to manufacture such furnishings for his clients as well. What’s more, he included a drawing of one of such stools in his seminal book, “The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide” published by his widow in 1788.
As it’s Friday today and time for our usual quiz, we’re inviting you to take a close look at these pictures and figure out who these and similar designs were intended for. As usual, please refrain from googling or posting the correct answer if you happen to know it already - let others think a bit.
(photos: lyonandturnbull.com, pegsandtails.wordpress.com, wellcomeimages.org, antiques-atlas.com, bidsquare.com, thedesignersconsignment.com, totoloveet.best)
BY Mid-Century, More Than

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