Мы как-то писали о телах вращения и Вико Маджистретти, который много экспериментировал со сферами. Результатом одного из таких экспериментов, в основу которого было положено желание дизайнера соединить части одной сферы, стал светильник «Dalu», изготавливавшийся из одного листа пластика. Эта идея, пришедшая Маджистретти в голову в начале 1960-х годов, стала прологом к настольной лампе «Eclisse», более изощренной работе мастера.
Last summer, we wrote a piece about solids of revolution and Vico Magistretti who had experimented a lot with the sphere. One of such experiments was based on Magistretti’s intention to combine two parts of one sphere and resulted in this Dalu lamp. This luminary conceived in the early 1960s was made by moulding one sheet of plastic and paved the way to Eclisse, Magistretti’s later and more complicated sphere-based exercise.
Last summer, we wrote a piece about solids of revolution and Vico Magistretti who had experimented a lot with the sphere. One of such experiments was based on Magistretti’s intention to combine two parts of one sphere and resulted in this Dalu lamp. This luminary conceived in the early 1960s was made by moulding one sheet of plastic and paved the way to Eclisse, Magistretti’s later and more complicated sphere-based exercise.
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Мы как-то писали о телах вращения и Вико Маджистретти, который много экспериментировал со сферами. Результатом одного из таких экспериментов, в основу которого было положено желание дизайнера соединить части одной сферы, стал светильник «Dalu», изготавливавшийся из одного листа пластика. Эта идея, пришедшая Маджистретти в голову в начале 1960-х годов, стала прологом к настольной лампе «Eclisse», более изощренной работе мастера.
Last summer, we wrote a piece about solids of revolution and Vico Magistretti who had experimented a lot with the sphere. One of such experiments was based on Magistretti’s intention to combine two parts of one sphere and resulted in this Dalu lamp. This luminary conceived in the early 1960s was made by moulding one sheet of plastic and paved the way to Eclisse, Magistretti’s later and more complicated sphere-based exercise.
Last summer, we wrote a piece about solids of revolution and Vico Magistretti who had experimented a lot with the sphere. One of such experiments was based on Magistretti’s intention to combine two parts of one sphere and resulted in this Dalu lamp. This luminary conceived in the early 1960s was made by moulding one sheet of plastic and paved the way to Eclisse, Magistretti’s later and more complicated sphere-based exercise.
BY Mid-Century, More Than
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