Софи Лорен однажды сказала: «За туалетным столиком каждой женщине выпадает шанс стать художником, а художники, если верить Аристотелю, завершают то, что не закончила природа». Вот и этот скромный столик из орегонской сосны услужливо предлагает себя в качестве мольберта. Столик был создан выдающимся шведским дизайнером Эриком Хёглундом, знаменитым своими революционными работами из стекла, о которых мы поговорим позднее.
Sophia Loren was once quoted as saying, “At the dressing table, every woman has a chance to be an artist, and art, as Aristotle said, completes what nature left unfinished”. This humble vanity table, which is readily offering itself up as an easel, seems a great companion to seize this chance with. The table was created by Erik Höglund, an outstanding Swedish designer famous for his revolutionary glassworks we will talk about later.
(photos here and below: vintageadbrowser.com, Flickr user Colleen O’Eris, eaudetati.files.wordpress.com, Pinterest user Nicolas Goulier, modernity.se)
Sophia Loren was once quoted as saying, “At the dressing table, every woman has a chance to be an artist, and art, as Aristotle said, completes what nature left unfinished”. This humble vanity table, which is readily offering itself up as an easel, seems a great companion to seize this chance with. The table was created by Erik Höglund, an outstanding Swedish designer famous for his revolutionary glassworks we will talk about later.
(photos here and below: vintageadbrowser.com, Flickr user Colleen O’Eris, eaudetati.files.wordpress.com, Pinterest user Nicolas Goulier, modernity.se)
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Софи Лорен однажды сказала: «За туалетным столиком каждой женщине выпадает шанс стать художником, а художники, если верить Аристотелю, завершают то, что не закончила природа». Вот и этот скромный столик из орегонской сосны услужливо предлагает себя в качестве мольберта. Столик был создан выдающимся шведским дизайнером Эриком Хёглундом, знаменитым своими революционными работами из стекла, о которых мы поговорим позднее.
Sophia Loren was once quoted as saying, “At the dressing table, every woman has a chance to be an artist, and art, as Aristotle said, completes what nature left unfinished”. This humble vanity table, which is readily offering itself up as an easel, seems a great companion to seize this chance with. The table was created by Erik Höglund, an outstanding Swedish designer famous for his revolutionary glassworks we will talk about later.
(photos here and below: vintageadbrowser.com, Flickr user Colleen O’Eris, eaudetati.files.wordpress.com, Pinterest user Nicolas Goulier, modernity.se)
Sophia Loren was once quoted as saying, “At the dressing table, every woman has a chance to be an artist, and art, as Aristotle said, completes what nature left unfinished”. This humble vanity table, which is readily offering itself up as an easel, seems a great companion to seize this chance with. The table was created by Erik Höglund, an outstanding Swedish designer famous for his revolutionary glassworks we will talk about later.
(photos here and below: vintageadbrowser.com, Flickr user Colleen O’Eris, eaudetati.files.wordpress.com, Pinterest user Nicolas Goulier, modernity.se)
BY Mid-Century, More Than

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