В прошлом ученик Малевича, во время службы Эдуард Михайлович не переставал делать наброски и вернулся с фронта с циклом рисунков «Бал победителей». В 1946 г. он опубликовал книгу «Маскировка самолетов», с 1948 по 1950 г. работал на Ленинградском заводе художественного стекла, а после, до конца своей жизни, был одним из ведущих художников Ленинградского фарфорового завода. В последней ипостаси он создал огромное количество удивительных работ, получивших как народное, так и международное признание.
When the war ended, Krimmer, formerly a student of Kazimir Malevich, returned home with a series of paintings he called “The Ball of Victors”. He published a book on aircraft camouflage in 1946 and, from 1948 to 1950, worked at Leningrad Glass Factory. In 1950, Krimmer joined Leningrad Porcelain Factory, where he would stay for the rest of this life as one of the factory’s leading artists and create a great many magnificent works to both national and international acclaim.
When the war ended, Krimmer, formerly a student of Kazimir Malevich, returned home with a series of paintings he called “The Ball of Victors”. He published a book on aircraft camouflage in 1946 and, from 1948 to 1950, worked at Leningrad Glass Factory. In 1950, Krimmer joined Leningrad Porcelain Factory, where he would stay for the rest of this life as one of the factory’s leading artists and create a great many magnificent works to both national and international acclaim.
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В прошлом ученик Малевича, во время службы Эдуард Михайлович не переставал делать наброски и вернулся с фронта с циклом рисунков «Бал победителей». В 1946 г. он опубликовал книгу «Маскировка самолетов», с 1948 по 1950 г. работал на Ленинградском заводе художественного стекла, а после, до конца своей жизни, был одним из ведущих художников Ленинградского фарфорового завода. В последней ипостаси он создал огромное количество удивительных работ, получивших как народное, так и международное признание.
When the war ended, Krimmer, formerly a student of Kazimir Malevich, returned home with a series of paintings he called “The Ball of Victors”. He published a book on aircraft camouflage in 1946 and, from 1948 to 1950, worked at Leningrad Glass Factory. In 1950, Krimmer joined Leningrad Porcelain Factory, where he would stay for the rest of this life as one of the factory’s leading artists and create a great many magnificent works to both national and international acclaim.
When the war ended, Krimmer, formerly a student of Kazimir Malevich, returned home with a series of paintings he called “The Ball of Victors”. He published a book on aircraft camouflage in 1946 and, from 1948 to 1950, worked at Leningrad Glass Factory. In 1950, Krimmer joined Leningrad Porcelain Factory, where he would stay for the rest of this life as one of the factory’s leading artists and create a great many magnificent works to both national and international acclaim.
BY Mid-Century, More Than

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