Прочитав нашу недавнюю заметку о девушках «Olivetti», Александр Острогорский, уважаемый, чей архитектурный канал мы читаем и рекомендуем, напомнил нам о более раннем и - в долгосрочной перспективе - более революционном событии в истории «Olivetti» и не только, создании Этторе Соттсассом и Перри Кингом пишущей машинки «Valentine». Машинка была выпущена 14 февраля (!) 1969 г. и вскоре стала иконой современного дизайна, хоть и не выполнила свою основную коммерческую задачу – составить конкуренцию недорогим японским аналогам.
In the wake of our post about Olivetti girls, Alexander Ostrogorsky, an architectural journalist whose channel we admire and recommend, reminded us of an earlier and, in the long haul, more revolutionary event – Olivetti’s release of the Valentine typewriter designed by Ettore Sottsass and Perry King. The Valentine entered the market on February 14th, 1969, and soon became an icon of modern design, even though it failed in its mission to compete with inexpensive Japanese typewriters.
In the wake of our post about Olivetti girls, Alexander Ostrogorsky, an architectural journalist whose channel we admire and recommend, reminded us of an earlier and, in the long haul, more revolutionary event – Olivetti’s release of the Valentine typewriter designed by Ettore Sottsass and Perry King. The Valentine entered the market on February 14th, 1969, and soon became an icon of modern design, even though it failed in its mission to compete with inexpensive Japanese typewriters.
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Прочитав нашу недавнюю заметку о девушках «Olivetti», Александр Острогорский, уважаемый, чей архитектурный канал мы читаем и рекомендуем, напомнил нам о более раннем и - в долгосрочной перспективе - более революционном событии в истории «Olivetti» и не только, создании Этторе Соттсассом и Перри Кингом пишущей машинки «Valentine». Машинка была выпущена 14 февраля (!) 1969 г. и вскоре стала иконой современного дизайна, хоть и не выполнила свою основную коммерческую задачу – составить конкуренцию недорогим японским аналогам.
In the wake of our post about Olivetti girls, Alexander Ostrogorsky, an architectural journalist whose channel we admire and recommend, reminded us of an earlier and, in the long haul, more revolutionary event – Olivetti’s release of the Valentine typewriter designed by Ettore Sottsass and Perry King. The Valentine entered the market on February 14th, 1969, and soon became an icon of modern design, even though it failed in its mission to compete with inexpensive Japanese typewriters.
In the wake of our post about Olivetti girls, Alexander Ostrogorsky, an architectural journalist whose channel we admire and recommend, reminded us of an earlier and, in the long haul, more revolutionary event – Olivetti’s release of the Valentine typewriter designed by Ettore Sottsass and Perry King. The Valentine entered the market on February 14th, 1969, and soon became an icon of modern design, even though it failed in its mission to compete with inexpensive Japanese typewriters.
BY Mid-Century, More Than

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