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Verse 2 Reflections
"He is the One Who created death and life in order to test which of you is best in deeds. And He is the Almighty, All-Forgiving."
This life is a test. When we truly begin to understand this and remember this at every moment in our lives, we will find it easier to deal with our problems and any trials and tribulations we may face. We should have the true realisation that this life is temporary and the real life is that in the hereafter. If we try to have a perfect, trouble-free life we will be dissapointed again and again. We should expect things not to go our way but at the same time ask Allah for comfort and ease.
Allah places all of us in different situations to test how we deal with any given situation. When we are going through a hardship do complain or do we turn to Allah and call out to Him?
When we are blessed with something do we forget Allah or do we remember that it is from Allah and thank Him? How is our akhlaq (character) in good times and does it change when we are going through a rough time?
It's worth noting that Allah didn't say He wants to see which of us does the most deeds but He said He wants to test which of us have the best deeds. This shows that it's not about the quantity of deeds we do but the quality of the deeds. Every deed we do should be done with Ihsaan (excellence). A small deed done with sincerity and only for the sake of Allah is much better than many deeds done with the wrong intention. In fact, a deed done with the intention to show off may be a means of someone incurring a sin.
In the day of judgement our deeds will be weighed and not counted. Again, it's about the quality of our deeds and not quantity. For example, a single utterance of 'SubhanAllah' with full contemplation about the magnificance of Allah and His beautiful creation is likely to be more beloved to Allah than a hundred utterance of the same phrase without much thought and reflection.
We should all try to do small and consistent deeds for the sake of Allah only and hope they are a means of our scales being heavy on the day of judgement.
May Allah allow us all to do those deeds which please Him and allow us to avoid those things which displease Him.
- Ustadh Rafiq ibn Jubair
BY Ramadan Surah Al Mulk Challenge 2025
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