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Forwarded from Farshad Baba Ahmadi

1. diametrically (adv.) : (with reference to opposition) completely; directly. به طور قطری
2. proposed (v.) : put forward (an idea or plan) for consideration or discussion by others. پیشنهاد کردن – طرح کردن
3. diversity (n.) : the fact of many different types of things or people being included in something; a range of different things or people. تنوع – گوناگونی
4. indigenous (adj.) : originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.بومی
5. dispersed (v.) : distribute or spread over a wide area.متفرق شدن – پراکنده کردن

Forwarded from Farshad Baba Ahmadi
❇️Analysis of the answers:

1. diametrically : The word “opposed” as the adjective is preceded and modified by an adverb and based on the meaning “diametrically” is the right adverb.
2. proposed : Based on the auxiliary verb “have been”, lack of subject and the absence of the main verb in this sentence, it is obvious to us that the voice of the sentence is passive. In the present perfect tense we make passive verb forms by putting has/have + been before the past participle form of the verb. Based on the structure and meaning, “proposed” is the right answer.
3. diversity : A compound noun contains two or more words that join together to make a single noun, like “coconut diversity”. Some compound nouns function as one unique word, but are still written as two or more separate words. The second part of the compound noun identifies the object or person being described by the first part. Based on the meaning “diversity” is the right answer.
4. indigenous : Adjectives are usually placed before the nouns they modify, but when used with linking verbs, such as the different forms of to-be or sense verbs, they are placed after the verb. This type of verb links the subject of the sentence with an adjective or noun. These adjectives are called predicative adjectives. After the linking verb “are” an adjective can be placed. Based on the meaning, the right adjective is “indigenous”.
5. dispersed : The subject of the sentence is unknown and it is concluded that the sentence has a passive voice. The past simple passive is formed by using 'was' or 'were' plus the past participle. Based on the meaning and the tense “dispersed” is the right answer.


1. واژه “opposed” به عنوان صفت در ادامه یک قید (adverb) آمده و توصیف شده توسط آن است و براساس معنا، قید صحیح “diametrically” می باشد.
2. براساس فعل کمکی (auxiliary verb) ‘have been’، فقدان فاعل و عدم وجود فعل اصلی در این جمله، بدیهی است که این یک جمله passive است. در زمان present perfect ساختار passive با قرار دادن has/have + been قبل از past participle (شکل سوم فعل) ساخته می شود. براساس ساختار و معنا، واژه “proposed” پاسخ صحیح می باشد.
3. اسم مرکب compound noun اسمی است که از دو یا چند کلمه تشکیل شده است که برای ساختن یک اسم noun واحد جمع می شوند، مانند “coconut diversity”. بعضی از اسم های مرکب کارکرد یک واژه منحصربفرد را دارند اما همچنان به عنوان دو کلمه و یا بیشتر جداگانه نوشته میشوند. قسمت دوم موضوع یا شخص مورد نظر که توسط قسمت اول توصیف شده است را مشخص می کند. براساس معنا پاسخ صحیح “diversity” می باشد.
4. صفت ها معمولاً قبل از اسمی (noun) که توصیف می کنند قرار می گیرند، اما وقتی با فعل ربط (linking verbs) همانند شکل های مختلف فعل to-be یا فعل های sense استفاده شوند، بعد از فعل قرار می گیرند. این گونه از فعل، فاعل را به صفت یا اسم مرتبط و متصل می کند. این صفت ها predicative adjectives نامیده می شوند. بعد از فعل ربط “are” یک صفت می تواند قرار گیرد. براساس معنا، صفت صحیح “indigenous” می باشد.
5. فاعل جمله نامشخص است و در نتیجه جمله مجهول است. ساختار past simple passive بااستفاده از was/were به اضافه past participle تشکیل می شود. براساس معنا، پاسخ صحیح “dispersed” می باشد.

Forwarded from Farshad Baba Ahmadi
A study by computer scientist David Moffat of Glasgow Caledonian University …...1……. a clue. He asked both expert and non-expert to …...2……. six compositions. The …...3……. weren’t told beforehand whether the tunes were …...4……. by humans or computers, but were asked to guess, and then rate how much they liked each one. People who thought the composer was a computer tended to dislike the piece more than those who believed it was humans. This was true even among the experts, who might have been expected to be more …...5……. in their analyses.

a) unabashedly b) composed c) absentmindedly d) provides e) objective f) assess g) participants

Forwarded from Farshad Baba Ahmadi

1. provides (v.) : make available for use; supply.فراهم کردن – مهیا کردن
2. assess (v) : evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.ارزیابی کردن
3. participants (n.) : a person who takes part in something. شرکت کنندگان
4. composed (v.) : write or create (a work of art, especially music or poetry).ساختن – سرودن
5. objective (adj.) : (of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts. واقعگرایانه – بی طرف – علمی و بدون نظر خصوصی

Forwarded from Farshad Baba Ahmadi
❇️Analysis of the answers:

1. provides : “study” as the third person subject of the sentence demands a singular verb and “provides” is the only third person singular verb possible. Based on the subject-verb agreement principles, “provides” is the right answer.
2. assess : After the infinitive maker “to” the base form of the verb is used and based on the meaning, “assess” is the right verb.
3. participants : After the definite article “the” and before the verb “were” a noun is used and based on the meaning, “participants” is the right noun.
4. composed : The sentence has a passive voice and the general rule for sentences in simple past passive is: 'Object + was / were + past participle of main verb (third form). We use 'by' with the passive if we want to identify who or what did the action. Based on the meaning and the tense “composed” is the right answer.
5. objective : Adjectives are usually placed before the nouns they modify, but when used with linking verbs, such as the different forms of to-be or sense verbs, they are placed after the verb. This type of verb links the subject of the sentence with an adjective or noun. These adjectives are called predicative adjectives. After the linking verb “be” and the word “more” an adjective can be placed. Based on the meaning, the right adjective is “objective”.


1. واژه “study” به عنوان فاعل سوم شخص مفرد نیازمند یک فعل مفرد است و “provides” تنها گزینه فعل سوم شخص می باشد. براساس اصول توافق شده فاعل-فعل، “provides” پاسخ صحیح می باشد.
2. بعد از مصدر ساز ‘to’ یک فعل در شکل اصلی اش استفاده می شود و براساس معنا، فعل صحیح “assess” می باشد.
3. بعد از حرف تعریف معین “the” و فعل “were” یک اسم (noun) استفاده شده است و براساس معنا، اسم صحیح “participants” می باشد.
4. ساختار جمله مجهول می باشد و قانون کلی جمله ها در گذشته ساده مجهول برابر است با: object + was / were + past participle. در جمله های مجهول برای شناساندن کسی یا چیزی (فاعل) که عمل را انجام داده از ‘by’ استفاده می کنیم. براساس معنا و زمان فعل “composed” پاسخ صحیح می باشد.
5. صفت ها معمولاً قبل از اسمی (noun) که توصیف می کنند قرار می گیرند، اما وقتی با فعل ربط (linking verbs) همانند شکل های مختلف فعل to-be یا فعل های sense استفاده شوند، بعد از فعل قرار می گیرند. این گونه از فعل، فاعل را به صفت یا اسم مرتبط و متصل می کند. این صفت ها predicative adjectives نامیده می شوند. بعد از فعل ربط “be” و واژه “more” یک صفت می تواند قرار گیرد. براساس معنا، صفت صحیح “objective” می باشد.

Forwarded from Farshad Baba Ahmadi
On day two you’ll take the ...1... to the small town of Peel, on the way calling in at the Tynwald Exhibition. The Isle of Man isn’t part of the United Kingdom, and it has its own parliament, called Tynwald. It’s claimed that this is the world’s oldest parliament that’s still ...2... , and that it dates back to 979. However, the earliest ...3... reference to it is from 1422, so perhaps it isn’t quite as it claims! Day three we have a trip to the mountain Snaefell. This begins with a ...4... ride along the ...5... in Douglas in a ...6... tram.
#LFIB _ New27
Forwarded from Farshad Baba Ahmadi
1. coach, 2. functioning , 3. surviving ,4. leisurely, 5. promenade, 6. horse-drawn.
#LFIB _ New27
Forwarded from Farshad Baba Ahmadi
The price of the holiday includes the ...1... to the Isle of Man, all travel on the island, the hotel, and the meals I’ve mentioned. ...2... , we try to make booking our holidays as simple and fair as possible, so unlike with many companies, the price is the same whether you book six months in ...3... or at the last minute, and there’s no ...4... for single rooms in hotels. If you make a booking then need to change the start date, for example because of illness, you’re welcome to change to an ...5... date or a different tour, for a small ...6... fee.
#LFIB _ New23
Forwarded from Farshad Baba Ahmadi
1. ferry, 2. Incidentally, 3. advance, 4.supplement, 5. alternative, 6. administrative
#LFIB _ New23
Forwarded from Farshad Baba Ahmadi
In 1592, the Italian scientist and ...1... Galileo developed the world’s first ...2... . His student Torricelli later invented the ...3... , which allowed people to measure ...4... pressure. In 1648, the French philosopher Pascal proved that pressure decreases with ...5.... . This discovery was ...6..... by English ...7.... Halley in 1686 ; and Halley was also the first person to map trade winds.
#LFIB _ New13
Forwarded from Farshad Baba Ahmadi
1. inventor, 2. thermometer, 3. barometer, 4. atmospheric, 5. altitude, 6. verified, 7. astronomer.

#LFIB _ New13
Forwarded from Armin Sedaghatnia
Essay Topic:

Despite the great progress in agriculture humans have achieved, there are still people who starve to death. Is there anything we can do to address the problem? Please give some possible solutions.

#WE #Write_Essay
Forwarded from Armin Sedaghatnia
Sample Answer:

T1: the progress in agriculture
N1: modern technology
N2: capability of producing more food

T2: the correlations between the progress in agriculture and the problem of feeding people
N3: agriculture facilities
N4: food producing science
N5: using better crops

T3: the links between people starving to death and agricultural achievements
N6: becoming better at sowing seeds
N7: being more efficient in food distribution
N8: farm workers

T4: people starving to death
N9: wealth injustice
N10: poor countries

#WE #Write_Essay
Forwarded from PTE Material
Media is too big
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تاريخ ٢٩ خرداد تا ١١ تيرماه:

🗓سه شنبه ٢٩ خرداد
صبح ظرفيت تكميل🛑، عصر ظرفيت ١
🗓چهارشنبه ٣٠ خرداد
صبح ظرفيت ١، عصر ظرفيت تكميل🛑
🗓پنج شنبه ٣١ خرداد
صبح ظرفيت ١، عصر ظرفيت تكميل🛑
🗓 جمعه ١ تير
صبح ظرفيت تكميل🛑، عصر ظرفيت ٢
🗓شنبه ٢ تير
صبح ظرفيت ٤، عصر ظرفيت ٤
🗓 يكشنبه ٣ تير
صبح ظرفيت ٦، عصر ظرفيت ٦
🗓دوشنبه ٤ تير
صبح ظرفيت ٦، عصر ظرفيت ٥
🗓سه شنبه ٥ تير
صبح ظرفيت ٥، عصر ظرفيت ٤
🗓چهارشنبه ٦ تير
صبح ظرفيت ٥، عصر ظرفيت ٦
🗓پنج شنبه ٧ تير
صبح ظرفيت ٤، عصر ظرفيت ٦
🗓جمعه ٨ تير
صبح ظرفيت ٥، عصر ظرفيت ٥
🗓شنبه ٩ تير
صبح ظرفيت ٥، عصر ظرفيت ٥
🗓يكشنبه ١٠ تير
صبح ظرفيت ٥، عصر ظرفيت ٥
🗓دوشنبه ١١ تير
صبح ظرفيت ٦، عصر ظرفيت ٥

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🖥 Despite numerous detections, the exact astrophysical mechanisms responsible for their creation remain elusive. Proposed explanations range from highly magnetized neutron stars undergoing catastrophic events to exotic stellar mergers. Further complicating the puzzle, some FRBs appear to repeat, while others are one-time occurrences. Unraveling the mysteries of FRBs requires a multi-pronged approach, encompassing cutting-edge radio telescopes.

🅿️Elusive: /ɪˈluːsɪv/
🅿️Catastrophic: /ˌkætəˈstrɒfɪk◂ $ -ˈstrɑː-/
🅿️Exotic: /ɪɡˈzɒtɪk $ ɪɡˈzɑː-/
🅿️Prong: /prɒŋ $ prɒːŋ/
🅿️Unravel: /ʌnˈrævəl/

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2024/06/19 03:52:20
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