"أتدري مَعنى أن يَهبك اللّٰه القُرآن؟ ويجعلك مُعلمًا أو مُتعلمًا ويأذن لك بتلاوته رَغم تعثُّرك في التِّلاوة وبُطئك في الحِفظ وقلّة فِهمك للآياتِ فَلا تَستسلِم ولا تَترك هذا الطّريق، وٱعلم أنَّ ثَمرة الثّبات على القُرآن عَظيمة فاشدُد عليهِ "لأنَّك لا تَملُك وسيلة أمان غَيره".
"أتدري مَعنى أن يَهبك اللّٰه القُرآن؟ ويجعلك مُعلمًا أو مُتعلمًا ويأذن لك بتلاوته رَغم تعثُّرك في التِّلاوة وبُطئك في الحِفظ وقلّة فِهمك للآياتِ فَلا تَستسلِم ولا تَترك هذا الطّريق، وٱعلم أنَّ ثَمرة الثّبات على القُرآن عَظيمة فاشدُد عليهِ "لأنَّك لا تَملُك وسيلة أمان غَيره".
With the administration mulling over limiting access to doxxing groups, a prominent Telegram doxxing group apparently went on a "revenge spree." Don’t publish new content at nighttime. Since not all users disable notifications for the night, you risk inadvertently disturbing them. During the meeting with TSE Minister Edson Fachin, Perekopsky also mentioned the TSE channel on the platform as one of the firm's key success stories. Launched as part of the company's commitments to tackle the spread of fake news in Brazil, the verified channel has attracted more than 184,000 members in less than a month. Just at this time, Bitcoin and the broader crypto market have dropped to new 2022 lows. The Bitcoin price has tanked 10 percent dropping to $20,000. On the other hand, the altcoin space is witnessing even more brutal correction. Bitcoin has dropped nearly 60 percent year-to-date and more than 70 percent since its all-time high in November 2021. On June 7, Perekopsky met with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, an avid user of the platform. According to the firm's VP, the main subject of the meeting was "freedom of expression."
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