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🖇️ Another Matter:
And there is another matter too regarding speaking about Allah without knowledge, which Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله mentioned and pointed out to in his book Al-Istiqamah.
🖇️ O servant of Allah, you disobey Allah while you acknowledge and being certain that it is haram is better for you than you committ a sin while attempting to declare it lawful.
For example what⁉️
◼️ A man lowers his garment below the ankles and says:
"By Allah, I know lowering the garment is haram, but I am weak in this matter, and I hope Allah will forgive me".
⬅️ Such a person is close to having Allah open the doors of repentance for him.
🖇️ Another example:
◼️ A woman joins her hair or engages in eyebrow plucking (nams) and says:
"By Allah, I know that plucking eyebrows and joining hair is haram, but I am weak, and I ask Allah to forgive me."
⬅️ So this woman is close to Allah accepting her repentance.
📮 But if you say, "Joining hair is not actually haram," or "Plucking eyebrows is not actually haram,"
⬅️ then you are arguing in the religion of Allah.
🖇️ Therefore the one who disobeys Allah while acknowledging it is a sin and says:
"By Allah, I am weak, my desires overcome me, and I am struggling,"
⬅️ this person is not arguing with Allah in His religion and not fighting Allah in His legislation.
🖇️ However, the one who says, "Joining hair is not actually haram, plucking eyebrows is not haram; you are just being too strict with us,"
⬅️ this person is arguing with Allah in His rulings.
📮 So, beware! This is a dangerous matter:
◻️ Speaking about Allah without knowledge,
◻️ and arguing with Allah and contradicting in His legislation.
Shaykh Sami Hawsawi hafidahullah
BY ✍️ قناة أ. شيخنا سامي هوساوي حفظه الله

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