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⚪️ And Al-Bukhari also narrated from Ibn 'Umar رضي الله عنهما:
«مِنْ ورطاتِ الأمورِ التي لا مخرجَ لمن أوقع نفسَه فيها: سفكُ الدمِ الحرامِ بغيرِ حِلّهِ»
"Among the deadly traps from which one cannot escape if he falls in it, is the shedding of unlawful blood."
🏷️ Al-Waratat (الوَرَطَات): Plural of waratah (وَرَطَة), which refers to a calamity or disaster from which a person can hardly escape.
🟠 And In both Sahihs, it is narrated from Abu Hurayrah رضي الله عنه, that the Prophet ﷺ said:
«سِبابُ المسلمِ فُسُوقٌ، وقِتالُه كُفرٌ»
"Reviling a Muslim is disobedience, and fighting him is disbelief."
🏷️ "Reviling a Muslim is disobedience, and fighting him is disbelief"—this has two interpretations:
"Reviling a Muslim is disobedience, and fighting him is disbelief"—this has two interpretations:
◼️ Either it is said that fighting him is described as disbelief to emphasize the severity of the sin.
◼️ Or it is said that fighting him is disbelief if one deems his killing permissible. If a person declares that killing a Muslim is allowed in a certain matter, then he is considered a disbeliever because he has legitimized the unlawful shedding of blood.
⚪️ And in both Sahihs, it is also narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said:
«لا تَرجِعُوا بعدي كُفَّاراً يضرِبُ بعضُكُم رِقابَ بعضٍ»
"Do not turn back to disbelief after me by striking one another’s necks."
🏷️ "Striking one another’s necks"—this means that you will declare each other as disbelievers,
🖇️ So it will ultimately lead to bloodshed, and this is among the matters that are prohibited.
🟠 And in Sahih al-Bukhari, the Prophet ﷺ said:
«مَنْ قَتَلَ مُعَاهَدًا لم يَرِحْ رائحةَ الجنةِ، وإنَّ ريحَها لَيُوجَدُ مِنْ مَسيرةِ أربعينَ عاماً»
"Whoever kills a mu'ahid (a non-Muslim under a treaty) will not smell the fragrance of Paradise, even though its fragrance can be detected from a distance of forty years."
🏷️ "Did not smell the fragrance of Paradise"—meaning he will not even get close enough to smell the fragrance of Paradise.
🏷️ Mu'ahad (المُعَاهَد): He is the one who has a personal treaty or agreement with the Muslims.
Like one who enters a Muslim land with a visa and permission from the state or through agreements between nations—so such a person is under a covenant and protection, and thus it is not permissible for anyone to harm this disbeliever, even if they remain a disbeliever.
📮 This is the punishment for killing an enemy of Allah who was under a treaty and in His protection, so, what then would be the punishment for killing a believing servant of Allah ⁉️
🖇️ And if a woman entered Hellfire because of a cat she imprisoned until it died of hunger and thirst—such that the Prophet ﷺ saw her in Hell, with the cat scratching her face and chest, then what would be the punishment for imprisoning a believer until they die unjustly?
⚪️ And in some Sunan collections, it is narrated from the Prophet ﷺ:
«لزوالُ الدنيا أهونُ عندَ الله مِنْ قتلِ مؤمنٍ بغيرِ حقٍّ»
"The destruction of the world is lighter in the sight of Allah than the unjust killing of a believer."
Shaykh Sami Hawsawi hafidahullah
BY ✍️ قناة أ. شيخنا سامي هوساوي حفظه الله

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