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⬅️ As for spontaneous speeches by some teachers and some lecturers can at times cause major problems, leading people into anxiety and depression.
🖇️ A second situation, which is one of the most severe educational and practical treatments:
During Hajj, Al-Fadl ibn Abbas was riding behind the Prophet ﷺ, and a beautiful woman came. Al-Fadl, a handsome young man of seventeen, began looking at her.
☑️ We can reflect on this example to see the difference between us and the Prophet ﷺ.
Today, if a young man behaved like this, he would be severely punished.
“You don’t fear Allah? You’re in Hajj, in Makkah, sitting behind the Prophet ﷺ, and you commit this sin?”
This does not mean we encourage people to sin; the harms of sin are well known.
🖇️ The Prophet ﷺ understood that men’s inclination towards women is a natural instinct.
📎 This instinct can only be addressed with mercy, not through violence, arguments, insults, or raised voices.
☑️ The Prophet ﷺ kept turning Al-Fadl’s face away from one side to the other. Al-Fadl repeatedly looked at the beautiful woman, and the Prophet ﷺ kept turning his face away, doing this three times.
◻️ Look at the mercy of the Prophet ﷺ.
‼️ These sins and the afflicted, especially among the youth, know that it is forbidden. They know that what they are doing is wrong, and they are ashamed of themselves.
☑️ However, they need solutions. They need words wrapped in tenderness, beauty, and kindness.
❌ They do not need lectures; adding pain to pain does not help.
📑 These matters are very delicate and challenging, and the treatment journey requires time.
‼️ This is ingrained in the soul.
❌ Do not think that treatment comes in a day, a night, an hour, or a lecture.
☑️ It requires a long journey, patience, and prayer.
☑️ And try both of the treatment psychological and practical.
✍️ Summary from the lecture
Shaykh Sami Hawsawi hafidahullah
BY ✍️ قناة أ. شيخنا سامي هوساوي حفظه الله
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