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🍁Language and Stigmatization
✍🏻 DeLamater et al:
When interacting with stigmatized individuals, people alter their usual behavior. They gesture less than usual, refrain from expression opinions that reflect their actual beliefs, maintain less eye contact, and terminate the encounters sooner. Moreover, unstigmatized persons speak more rapidly in interactions with stigmatized persons than in other interactions, ask fewer questions, agree less, make more directive remarks, and allow the stigmatized persons fewer opportunities to speak. By limiting the responses of the stigmatized person, people reduce uncertainty and diminish their own discomfort (Hebl & Dovidio, 2005). The unstigmatized rarely say anything toward the stigmatized and instead express any negative messages nonverbally. (DeLamater et al, 2024: 157)
📚 DeLamater, John D. & Collett, R Jessica L. & Hitlin, Steven. (2024). Social Psychology. 10th edition. UK: Routledge.
#️⃣ #زبان_و_روانشناسی
BY زبانورزی

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